Wednesday, February 19, 2014


It has been 3 weeks since I quit my job and can you believe it that I am not in training at my new job or meeting co-workers and attending meetings? Instead I am getting caught up on laundry and trying to fight away the anxiety of we're going poor.  It has been radio silence in the dream job department. Honestly, I am unsure of how I feel. Sometimes I'm excited with all the free time and sometimes I feel like a loser because my greatest feat of the day was running out to get Q-tips because we were out. And then other times I am fearful that I am missing something that God is asking me to do.

He is still here though, I feel him in my midst and I know that Jeff and Kate are not on the back burner of his "provide for" list. Currently I have a California raisin stuck in my minnetonka loafer. I saw it today randomly when I lifted my shoe...and then I just smiled and left it. The raisin was part of  a snack of a precious two-year-old in the preschool I am subbing for. It is also a funny little symbol of God's grace.

I have the current privilege of a part-time gig in our church preschool for staff member's children. I am assisting in the toddler room. So far my days have been filled with wiping noses, sitting quietly during nap time and making sure no one eats dirt. And lots of hugs. Their innocence is pretty convincing that all is well for a few hours. Yesterday I was asked by a little girl to repeatedly race her down the slide. My body length was the slide in entirety and yet she giggled and said, "again...again Kate." Clearly she doesn't understand losing yet and I love her for it.

This contract job may not be my future, but for a few hours a week I honestly get to see Christ in little chubby faces. They are reminders that I am being taken care of, even if I'm supposedly one of the teachers.

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